The Eighth National Biennial Conference on Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research, organised by the Institute during March 19 – 21, 2009 was inaugurated by Dr. C. Rangarajan, Hon’ble Member of Parliament. This three-day Conference was attended by over 100 academicians, practitioners and researchers, engaged in the field of Entrepreneurship, from prestigious national and international institutions.
In his welcome address Dr. Dinesh Awasthi, Director- EDI introduced Dr. C. Rangarajan to the august gathering as a renowned Economist who has played a k y role as an academician and a policy maker. Dr. Awasthi reviewed the changing scenario of entrepreneurship and the need, therefore, to research the emerging trends and patterns. He hoped that this Conference would serve as a platform to researchers and academicians from. across the world to generate productive, enlightening and exciting responses, and will provide an opportunity to professors, practitioners and thinkers in India and abroad to assimilate, communicate and disperse their experiences and experiments.
The Chief Guest said that modem economic growth has been inspired by rapid and persistent up gradation of technology and scientific knowledge and, therefore, technology has emerged as the principal driving force for long term economic growth. He added that invention is the outcome of the efforts of scientists and technologists while innovation is the task of an entrepreneur. Dr. Rangarajan explained that production for the market occurs only when scientists and entrepreneurs join hands.
Abstracts and Full Papers of 8th Biennial Conference may be accessed by following this link and to download the 8th Biennial Conference Report click here.